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Stupid Kills!

16 Aug A Pyrate at his liesure.



I estimate that 95% of the untimely deaths on this planet are from stupidity. Yep. If you don’t die of one of the terminal illnesses that will eventually kill every species that has a pulse, as a human you’re most likely to die of an act of stupidity.  It may be yours, but it could be someone else who’s the cause. Old age gets credit for nearly all of the natural (non-stupid) deaths, even though the autopsy usually names a specific cause. Face it. We get old, all our parts get old at the same time.  Sooner or later either enough of of those parts, or one of them that’s really essential, gives up the ghost. But, ‘natural causes’ is not what this rant is about.

Unless, of course, stupidity has somehow achieved ‘natural cause’ status.

I recently went to the scene of an incredibly tragic act of stupidity. A relative of a man who belongs to a social organization I belonged to, became a victim of blatant stupidity. One day, a few minutes after noon, while most people were either thinking of lunch or sitting down to eat, his life came to sudden, violent end.

This was a case of another person’s stupidity tragically terminating this man’s hopes and dreams. Stupidity altered the lives of his family, friends, and everyone who depended upon or loved him.

On a busy entrance to a nearby Interstate Highway, some damned fool pulled the stupid stunt of stopping in the the land. The key to successfully negotiating an acceleration lane is to accelerate! There is no ‘STOP’ or ‘YIELD’ sign.  Stopping is not an offered option. 

Except for the obvious, no one will ever truly know the final thoughts and actions of the victim.  But, it’s likely safe to say he was following a vehicle up the high speed acceleration lane.  He was presumably accelerating to blend into the 65 mph plus Summer traffic heading north on Interstate 81. I would be looking in my mirrors, glancing over my shoulder to the left, and gauging the speed of approaching traffic. That’s what you’d be doing, too. That’s what you are supposed to be doing.  It’s the safe thing to do.

In the split second it takes to check traffic behind you, either in your mirror or with a sideways glance, a lot can go wrong. What went wrong this time was that the idiot right ahead of my friend’s brother-in-law, stopped. He fucking stopped!

I didn’t mention it, but the victim’s mode of transportation was one that’s invisible to too many motorists. He was riding his beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycle. When you stop dead in front of a motorcycle being driven by someone who assumes you’re going to do the right thing on an on ramp, that’s what your doing. You’re stopping him dead. The motorcycle rider braked hard. The skid marks are still painting the highway at the accident scene. It looks like that’s all he had time to do.

From my experience, having ridden a motorcycle for several decades, many automobile drivers operate under a shroud of misinformation. Generally, they feel that motorcycles are dangerous, ‘death-wish mobiles’, ridden only by mouth breathing knuckle-dragggers.  That is, of course, if they think of them at all.  A large percentage of the automobile driving public ignores motorcycles, out of hand.  Automobile drivers frequently offer no common courtesy to motorcyclists.  The seem to harbor a false impression that bikes can stop on a dime.  That train of thought kills hundreds of motorcyclists every year.  


Motorcycles can’t stop as quickly as a car.  Nor can they swerve as nimbly around obstacles as can a car. The unbendable laws of physics prohibit those maneuvers.

Don’t be stupid. When you are driving a car, be aware 360 degrees around you.  Just like the Driver’s Ed instructor taught you. Watch for the small profile of a bike.  


When you’re riding your motorcycle, scooter, or even your old blue bicycle, be 100 times more careful and alert than you are in the relatively safe steel cocoon of your car.

Remember…don’t be stupid.  Stupid kills!



Enough! What Is Wrong Here?

26 Jul

I have raised four children to adulthood.  That said, I will admit that I have not batted 1000, or anywhere near that, in doing my job as a parent.  If you meet my progeny, you’ll like them.  100% of them.  How do I know that?  Because every one of them is a truly nice person.  I probably had very little to do with that.  Luckily they had lovely mothers who imparted the elements of being such wonderful people to them, and it stuck.  

I had no problem children.  No drug problems, no school suspensions, no being sent off to live with the other parent for awhile, to “straighten them out”.  All but one attended and graduated from the same school they started Kindergarten in.  The exception had to change schools when his parents moved to another town.  He adapted seamlessly, because he was a socialized, friendly, and well adjusted kid. 

None of the four carried guns before military service mandated it.  Only one boy had to do that.  Nobody ever pulled a gun or knife, or other weapon on any of them, except the Iraq veteran.  He saw more than his share of violence, killing, and was himself wounded in more than just a physical way.  Even so, he is putting that behind him, and seems to be on his way to an acceptable level of recovery from that trauma.

My point is, just like I can’t take full credit for the way my children have turned out, I also am not, nor would I be, to blame for any crimes or wrongdoings they may have done, or may do.

That said, any one of the four could have, or could in future, commit a crime or crimes.  Who’s fault would that be?  Remember that all have reached majority, and all but the youngest have established paths for their lives to take.  

If these adults go off the track, or if they had decided to at age seventeen, I could not shoulder the blame.  Why?  Long before age seventeen, today’s children no longer consider themselves children, and unless they have mental challenges, they are already traveling their own roads.  Before seventeen, they are far more influenced by their peers, rivals, and mentors (good or bad), than they are by their parents.

That’s a part of life that many parents may not wish to acknowledge, or even agree exists.  I will tell them it’s time to grow up.  You’ve lost so called ‘control’ of them, before then.  By then, they’re making decisions based upon what they learned from you early on.

I also acknowledge that they are not always perfect.  In fact, probably never perfect. There’s always the possibility that my children, out of my sight and influence, may be people that I wouldn’t recognize.  Children always, or always should, become individuals. Individuals who are bound to exercise their free will, and make every decision as they see fit.  

If any parent thinks they know, without question, what their child will do when faced with every possible situation, they’re deluding themselves.  For example:  Do my children over drink?  Do they toke on a joint when offered by a peer?  Do they ever bully or abuse others?  Do they purloin small items at the store?  My automatic definitive response to those questions would be, “hell no!”  Would I be able to guarantee that they always act like I think they should?  “Hell no!”

“How do I know that?” you ask.  Because they are autonomous individuals.  I have no control over their actions.  No parent can expect to control the actions of their children when they are alone, or out on the street on their own.  Period.

Since I am not there to witness their activity, I have no idea what they may have done, or may do, in specific instances.  Period.

If they are accused of a crimes, or are the victims of crimes, even including the loss of their lives, I will always stand by them.  However, I would have no genuine claim to absolute knowledge of what happened, or what their involvement may have been.  I can only be sure of what I’d have wanted them to do, and hoped they’d have done.  I’d hope they would not have done the crime.  I would hope that if they were victimized, they were innocent victims. 

But, there is no way I could know 100% for certain.  They may even have been the aggressor, or failed to take intelligent action to avoid the situation.  I would have to rely on the justice system to decide their fault, of lack thereof.  Since, I couldn’t possibly know definitively what happened, I’d have to rely on the system that every accused, and every victim in this country, relies upon.  

I only know two things:  1.)  No matter how much I love my kids, or what they mean to me, they are not perfect.  2.)  They will react to situations according to their individual personalities and world views.  

I would have to live with the decision of a jury, if one were to decide their guilt or innocence.  The same way I would expect to if I were accused, and found either innocent or guilty.  I would expect the world to accept that, and leave me alone after the final gavel has fallen.  That’s how it works in the United States, and it generally works very well.


Screw the News Media! They’re Screwing With You

24 Jul

The Zimmerman trial has been over for a couple of weeks.  It’s eleven days since the NOT GUILTY verdict was handed down, and yet it’s still all over the television news.  The big questions are, “will there be riots?  Will the Feds try him for Civil Rights violations?  Will the Martin family ever heal?  Will someone hunt George down and do him in?”  All valid concerns, but the big concern that can be put to rest once and for all, is the question of his guilt.  Sure, NOT GUILTY doesn’t mean he didn’t kill the man.  George freely admits he used his small automatic pistol and killed his attacker.

We have no reason to doubt his word on the occurrences of that night, leading to, and culminating in, the death of Mr. Martin. Why?  Because Zimmerman’s story is consistent.  Liars’ stories change as they’re told, in many substantial ways.  His story made enough sense to the police and County Prosecutor, that he was not originally charged. At trial, the jury found the same thing.

At this point, George is as much a victim as is the dead man. What?  How can you say that, Don?  It’s true he made flawed and fatal decisions that night.  So did Travon Martin.  Neither man took the safe and sensible path, right from the start of the incident. As a result it ended up in the worst possible scenario. The death of one man, and a lifetime of shame and blame for the other.

“How is the news media at fault, for even more wrong being done?” Good question.  

Simply by not letting it go away.  It was newsworthy, but it came to a conclusion.  Lives are lost and forever damaged, but it’s time to heal, and get on with life the best way everyone involved can. The television networks, cable and broadcast, are still stirring the racial pot.  The tension will die a lot slower, if it’s shoved in everyone’s face whenever they try to watch a newscast.  

I have a question of my own:  “What happened to Walter Cronkite type of news reporting?”  You know, tell the story.  What, when, where, how, and why, if it’s known. The why is usually not available to news media, lawyers, courts, or the public.  We never really know the “why”.  That’s what news reporting should still be. Here’s something to hang your hat on.  That “talking head” on the screen?  Their opinion and view is no more valid than yours.  You only need him/her to tell you what has happened.  You can form your own opinions.  Novel idea, eh?

If America wants this Martin  and Zimmerman thing to settle down peacefully, it’s time for it to stop being the lead story on every news outlet.  Remove the publicity seekers platforms.  Once that’s done, everyone, including the rabble-rousers, pot-stirrers, and disinterested, un-involved, protesters, will shut up and go the hell home.

More news media?  Here’s another thing I recall from recent newscasts.  In March of this year, in Brunswick, GA, a white mother was pushing her white 13 month old baby boy in his stroller.  Only a few yards from their home, in a 73% black neighborhood, she was accosted by two black teens.  They demanded her money.  She told them she had none, because it was true.  They told her they’d shoot her baby is she didn’t give them money.  She couldn’t give up what she didn’t have. So they proceeded to shoot the infant in the face, killing him on the spot. 

The mother suffered two gunshot wounds trying to protect her child.  National news agencies reported it in passing, as a “robbery attempt”.  Two black teens, ages 13 and 15 have been arrested and charged with murder.  No media has mentioned the words “hate crime”, or “civil rights violation”.   No famous religious leaders or protest organizers have swooped down on Brunswick to publicize the wrong doing of the black teens.

While I’m addressing media issues, I also want to mention the Boston Marathon terrorist bomber.  His photo showed up on the cover of Rolling Stone, this week.  There’s an outcry all across the nation, and maybe around the world, protesting the publication of his likeness on the magazine’s cover. Many large chain retailers are refusing to sell the issue in their stores. 

Why?  Charles Manson was on RS’s cover.  So was Patty Hearst after gaining fame as a terrorist. What outcry came from those covers?  The answer is, “not much!”  

Truthfully, Rolling Stone Magazine has a feature article detailing the life of the ‘seemingly normal young man’ who became notorious for blowing up the finish line at this year’s Boston Marathon.  People were killed, and dozens injured.  That’s news! Why shouldn’t he be on the cover?  RS isn’t saying he’s a good guy. They’re featuring him in their issue, to tell the wondering world more about this pariah.

I don’t recall an outpouring of venom when his picture graced the cover of nearly every newspaper and scandal sheet in America, and several other countries, for a month after the bombing.  It’s still a news story, just as it was then. If people don’t want to read it, or wish to lodge a protest against Rolling Stone, they can keep their money in their pocket.  Leave this issue on the newsstand. That will cast their negative votes a hell of a lot more efficiently than a lot of huffing and puffing, and pulling the issue off the stands. 

I’m tired of the special interest groups, splinter factions, and self appointed ‘political correctness police’, making a lot of noise about nothing.  They seem inclined toward sitting back and shutting up about real, genuinely problematic, issues. I’ve given one example above, so don’t hold your breath for more on that subject.

Notice how I didn’t push my personal concern for starvation and poverty right here in the good old United States?

News happens, folks.  Get on with your lives.  More news and controversy will be right along.Imageitrial, Comment


Orange Pyrate

5 Jul

Orange Pyrate

The missing Pyrate…found in Montrose, PA

Meet Me in Mikeritaville Party

13 May

Mike_Headless_ART copy

On may 25th. from 3-7 PM, you are invited to come to Casey’s Restaurant & Bar, 1123 Front St., Binghamton, NY.  Davey “Werkie” Werkhiser and the lovely Cathy Jo Vine, a duo from a New Jersey chicken farm, will be entertaining as hell!  This celebration of the ‘life and times of Mike The Headless Chicken (1945-1947) will bring you nothing but merriment, laughs, drunkenness, and maybe an early bed-time.  You can’t sleep at Casey’s, but there’s hundreds of hotel & motel rooms within ‘dead cat swinging distance’.  You don’t have to drive, you can crawl to your room!  Casey’s will be presenting food and drink specials all day, and “Werkie” and Cathy Jo, will be providing the tunes to keep your feet moving.  “The Shore” Radio,, is proud to partner with Casey’s in presenting this premier Mike The Headless Chicken party.  Come out and party on Casey’s deck like a chicken with it’s head cut off!    Paaaaauk!

Cinco de Mayo Party @ McGirk’s Irish Pub (Ironic, eh?)

5 Mar


       Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862

Cinco de Mayo
Important to Americans, but not what you may think.

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for “Fifth of May”) is a celebration held interestingly enough, on May 5th. It is celebrated in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla, where the holiday is called El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (English: The Day of the Battle of Puebla). The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War. In the state of Puebla, the date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin.  General Zaragosa, the leader at La Batalla de Puebla, was born in Texas while it was still part of México.  For this reason, he is considered by many to be the first Chicano hero.  Some scholars, including José Antonio Burciaga, believe that had the French defeated México at Puebla, France would have aided the South in the American Civil War in order to free Southern ports of the Union Blockade.  During this time, Confederate General Robert E. Lee was enjoying success, and French intervention could have had an impact on the Civil War.  It seems that even people not of Mexican descent may also have an indirect reason to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  Whatever the case may be, people should realize that this holiday does have some historical and cultural significance to millions of people.  Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico’s Independence Daythe most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico—which is celebrated on September 16.

Binghamton’s 2013 Cinco de Mayo celebration starts at 2:00 PM, May 5th, at McGirk’s Irish Pub, 1 Kattelville Road (Chenango Bridge), Binghamton, NY.
Admission is free, and everyone is invited.  Bring the family, or your favorite senor or senorita, and enjoy the first big party of Spring 2013. 

Please bring a donation of non-perishable food or cash, for the Broome County Catholic Charities Food Pantry.
NOTE: This article is mostly stolen from Wikipedia and other sources.

Everyone Wants To Be Heard

19 Jan

I believe that there is a real purpose served by everyone being heard.  What do you think?



19 Jan


This is what a real pirate looks like in 2013.